Sunday, June 27, 2010

Amsterdam round 2!

So, before going to Paris I had a 19 hour lay over in Amsterdam, this time I decided to find a hostel, but since my plane arrived in Amsterdam at 10:30pm, I was willing to take anything I could get. I stopped at this Hostel near the central train station called "Aroza Hostel". The owner of the Hostel offered for me to stay on the cushions in billiard room for 10 euros, so I took him up on his offer, but before I went to sleep I decided to explore Amsterdam a little more.

I wandered into a "coffee shop" and hung out for a little bit. Then I traveled back out into the streets, and somehow I ended up in the redlight district full of women in their lingerie dancing in windows. It was a sketchy, but it was quite the experience! I love the thrill of adventuring on my own.

Then, the following day, I explored the city some more and I went to the Anne Frank house. Afterwards I made a friend from North Carolina, and we traveled around together eating lunch & grabbing beers.

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